Selecting the Right Preschool Management Software

Selecting the Right Preschool Management Software

Choosing a school management software program for your preschool is a critical decision. The program you choose will be responsible for many essential daily tasks. Therefore, the management program you choose should be reliable, easy to use, and affordable. When...
Gardening Activities for Your Students 

Gardening Activities for Your Students 

Gardening activities are a fantastic, hands-on way to teach children about life cycles, how things change, cause and effect, and many other scientific inquiry skills. There are many ways you can introduce gardening to your preschoolers, from small activities that...
Advantages of Offering Online Payment Solutions

Advantages of Offering Online Payment Solutions

Busy parents prize convenience, and there are few things more convenient than the ability to pay for their child’s care online. But, in addition to mere convenience, online payment solutions provide a bevy of advantages to you as a provider and the families in your...
Fostering Independence in your Preschool Classroom

Fostering Independence in your Preschool Classroom

To learn, children must do; it’s why learning through play is the most effective method for children. Think about any skill you’ve learned, especially a recent one; you likely had to practice it over and over before you became adept.  Just like learning to walk,...
10 Fun & Healthy Lunch Box Ideas

10 Fun & Healthy Lunch Box Ideas

The start of a new school year means new clothes, fresh school supplies, and a chance to see friends. But, it also means parents must start packing school lunches again. Packing the same foods daily can become cumbersome and boring for you and your child. So we put...